
The easiest way to configure an entity resource as publishable, use the following annotation and trait:

use Silverback\ApiComponentsBundle\Annotation as Silverback;
use Silverback\ApiComponentsBundle\Entity\Utility\PublishableTrait;

class Foo
    use PublishableTrait;

The default property name are:

  • publishedAt for the published time
  • publishedResource is the association to published resource.
  • draftResource is the reverse association to the draft resource

To customize these properties, you can update the annotation and your class:

use Silverback\ApiComponentsBundle\Annotation as Silverback;

#[Silverback\Publishable(fieldName: 'publicationDate', associationName: 'originalResource', reverseAssociationName: 'newResource')]
class Foo
    // If not set, the Doctrine mapping is automatically configured with type="date" nullable
    private $publicationDate;

    // If not set, the Doctrine mapping is automatically configured with OneToOne self-referenced association nullable
    private $originalResource;

    // If not set, the Doctrine mapping is automatically configured with OneToOne self-referenced reverse association
    private $newResource;

    public function getPublicationDate(): ?\DateTimeInterface
        return $this->publicationDate;

    public function setPublicationDate(?\DateTimeInterface $publicationDate): self
        $this->publicationDate = $publicationDate;

        return $this;

    public function isPublished() : bool
        return null !== $this->publicationDate && new \DateTimeImmutable() >= $this->publicationDate;

    public function getOriginalResource(): ?self
        return $this->originalResource;

    public function setOriginalResource(?self $originalResource): self
        $this->originalResource = $originalResource;

        return $this;

    public function getNewResource(): ?self
        return $this->newResource;

    public function setNewResource(?self $newResource): self
        $this->newResource = $newResource;

        return $this;

Configure the security with expression language, for users who have access to publishable resources:

# config/packages/silverback_api_components.yaml:
    # ...
        permission: "is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN')" # default value

By default, default validators are applied on save, even for draft objects. If you want to apply validators only for published resource, configure it as following:

use Silverback\ApiComponentsBundle\Annotation as Silverback;
use Silverback\ApiComponentsBundle\Entity\Utility\PublishableTrait;

class Foo
    use PublishableTrait;

     * This constraint will be applied on draft and published resources.
    public string $name = '';

     * This constraint will be applied on published resources only.
    #[Assert\NotBlank(groups: ['Foo:published'])]
    public string $description = '';

You can define a custom validation group for published resources:

use Silverback\ApiComponentsBundle\Annotation as Silverback;
use Silverback\ApiComponentsBundle\Entity\Utility\PublishableTrait;

#[Silverback\Publishable(validationGroups: ['custom_validation_group'])]
class Foo
    use PublishableTrait;

     * This constraint will be applied on draft and published resources.
    public string $name = '';

     * This constraint will be applied on published resources only.
     * The "Foo:published" validation does not exist anymore.
    #[Assert\NotBlank(groups: ['custom_validation_group'])]
    public string $description = '';

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