

This bundle uses FlySystem v2. It does not use additional bundles. Instead, you create your adapters as Symfony services with a specific tag, so that they are injected into the FilesystemProvider.

Configuration example in services.php

use League\Flysystem\Local\LocalFilesystemAdapter;
use Silverback\ApiComponentsBundle\Flysystem\FilesystemProvider;

        ->tag(FilesystemProvider::FILESYSTEM_ADAPTER_TAG, [ 'alias' => 'local' ]);

Or Yaml:

    class: League\Flysystem\Local\LocalFilesystemAdapter
    arguments: ['%kernel.project_dir%/var/storage/default']
      - { name: 'silverback.api_components.filesystem_adapter', alias: 'local' }

Install the adapters you need from Flysystem and remember to use adapters supporting version 2 (e.g. composer require league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3:^2)

Integration with LiipImagineBundle (optional)

If you are using the LiipImagineBundle, this bundle will automatically add a service for each filesystem configured so that you can use to wire into our DataLoader and CacheResolver classes. These are the services you will need to use with Imagine. The above filesystem will be available as api_components.filesystem.local where local is the alias you have chosen for the adapter.

This will also create a mapping table in your database to store file information as it is being saved or removed from the cache.

Define your Data Loader

Imagine Bundle Configuration

We use our own binary provider so that we can use the filesystem you have defined on your UploadableField annotation.

    data_loader: silverback.api_components.liip_imagine.binary.loader

or on a specific filter set

            data_loader: silverback.api_components.liip_imagine.binary.loader
                # your filters

Define Your Cache Resolver

You can choose to create your own cache resolvers and store the cached Imagine images wherever you like.

Example Service Configuration

        class: Silverback\ApiComponentsBundle\Imagine\FlysystemCacheResolver
            $filesystem: "@api_components.filesystem.local" # required
            $rootUrl: 'http://images.example.com' # required
            $cachePrefix: 'media/cache' # optional, this is default value
            $visibility: 'public'  # optional, this is default value
          - { name: "liip_imagine.cache.resolver", resolver: custom_cache_resolver }

This is the equivalent way to configure what is outlined in the documentation here

Imagine Bundle Configuration

    cache: custom_cache_resolver

or on a specific filter set

            cache: custom_cache_resolver


The easiest way to configure an entity resource be an uploadable file is to use the following annotation and trait:

use Silverback\ApiComponentsBundle\Entity\Utility\UploadableTrait;
use Silverback\ApiComponentsBundle\Annotation as Silverback;

class File
    use UploadableTrait;

    #[Silverback\UploadableField(adapter: "local")]
    public ?File $file;

Resolving Imagine Filters


You can configure static imagine filters to resolve in the UploadableField annotation.

use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;
use Silverback\ApiComponentsBundle\Annotation as Silverback;
use Silverback\ApiComponentsBundle\Entity\Utility\UploadableTrait;

class File
    use UploadableTrait;
    #[Silverback\UploadableField(adapter: "local", imageineFilters: ['thumbnail', 'thumbnail_square'])]
    public ?File $file;


You can configure your File object to use ImagineBundle filters. You will receive an additional MediaObject for every filter configured. The method getImagineFilters receives the configured @UploadedField property name (in the example below this would be file), and a Request object or null. If the resource is not a file supported by Imagine or no files are uploaded, the filters will be ignored.

use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;
use Silverback\ApiComponentsBundle\Annotation as Silverback;
use Silverback\ApiComponentsBundle\Entity\Utility\UploadableTrait;
use Silverback\ApiComponentsBundle\Entity\Utility\ImagineFiltersInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

class File implements ImagineFiltersInterface
    use UploadableTrait;
    #[Silverback\UploadableField(adapter: "local")]
    public ?File $file;

    public function getImagineFilters(string $property, ?Request $request): array
        return ['thumbnail', 'square_placeholder'];

Due to the way LiipImagineBundle works, we save the image metadata when the cached file is saved to your storage. We keep this data in another database table. This means we will call your getImagineFilters method when you upload your file with a null argument for $request. If a file has not been saved into the cache at the time it is requested, it will be generated at runtime so the first request will take longer. You could also resolve the cache in the background. To do this you would return no filters if there is a null request parameter and listen for the API Platform event lifecycle event for your resource(s). See https://symfony.com/doc/2.0/bundles/LiipImagineBundle/resolve-cache-images-in-background.html for configuring the background process.

Updating your resource

You can, and usually should send your file to the API as a Base64 encoded string, adhering to the REST API standards. However, for every resource configured, you can also submit just your file to your resources endpoint and /upload appended. This endpoint accepts multipart/form-data mime type.

E.g. if your component’s endpoint is /component/image_uploadable_components you can submit POST requests to /component/image_uploadable_components/upload and PUT or PATCH requests to /component/image_uploadable_components/{id}/upload


Your Uploadable resources will not return your configured file paths. These are for internal use and do not provide a publicly accessible endpoint to the files. Instead, we populate media objects into the returned metadata. There will be an array for every UploadableField configured. Here is an example of a resource just using the example configuration shown above.

    "@context": "/contexts/DummyUploadable",
    "@id": "/component/dummy_uploadables/0a1b1d75c1114be285b037b4f8e0d6c4",
    "@type": "DummyUploadable",
    "_metadata": {
        "persisted": true,
        "media_objects": {
            "file": [
                    "@context": {
                        "@vocab": "http://example.com/docs.jsonld#",
                        "hydra": "http://www.w3.org/ns/hydra/core#",
                        "contentUrl": "http://schema.org/contentUrl",
                        "fileSize": "MediaObject/fileSize",
                        "mimeType": "http://schema.org/encodingFormat",
                        "width": "http://schema.org/width",
                        "height": "http://schema.org/height",
                        "imagineFilter": "MediaObject/imagineFilter",
                        "formattedFileSize": "http://schema.org/contentSize"
                    "@id": "/media_objects/6da1e63232d64fcea6b204c119a5d67f",
                    "@type": "http://schema.org/MediaObject",
                    "contentUrl": "http://example.com/dummy_uploadables/16c14fffc1854ee7860a8cef912922b5/download/file",
                    "fileSize": 3467,
                    "mimeType": "image/png",
                    "formattedFileSize": "3.4KB",
                    "_metadata": {
                        "persisted": false

If the MediaObject is not an image, you will not receive with width or height properties. If the object is not a result of an ImagineBundle filter, you will not receive the property imagineFilter.

Future features

The @context has been embedded into every MediaObject instance returned for your convenience. There is a pending feature that we would like to add where we could define a schema definition that is a subclass of MediaObject in the @ApiProperty annotation but this has not been developed yet.

Copyright © 2018-2020 Silverback IS. Distributed by an MIT license.